Rhythm of life...

As if life forces us to stop when we face intersections. Take a deep breath, enjoy the passing of time, take stock of the beautiful things in life. You need this.

Enoch HoComment
Inspiring Artists - Miriam Böhm
Image from Wentrup Gallery

Image from Wentrup Gallery

I first came across the work of Miriam Böhm from attending Art Basel several months ago.  What struck first was the beautiful geometric composition, how clean shapes and lines compose each rectangular frame.  Then I paid attention to the juxtaposition between 2D and 3D objects, one intertwining and overlaying upon another, creating an immense depth to each piece.  The most interesting part is the engagement of the mind, how one is invited to peel off layer by layer, almost figuring out the artist's construction in reverse.

Image from Wentrup Gallery

Image from Wentrup Gallery

Love how at any moment you're deciphering whether something is or was 3-Dimensional at what point, and how something in 2-Dimension can have more depth than it's length and width. 

Check out more of Miriam Böhm's work at the Wentrup Gallery site.

Admire, inspire, transpire.

Enoch HoComment
The first inkling of Winter

It's official.  The little red cups of Starbucks are triumphantly announcing the beginning of Winter.  The weather in Hong Kong isn't even cold, but I'm already ready to stay warm.  With my first Toffeenut Latte of the season, here's to a wonderful Christmas season.  May all of your coffee shop inspirations find ground, and may all your lattes be merry.


Enoch HoComment
New Project Brewing...


In the fashion world, there are times when you are working frantically tirelessly endlessly, and then there are times when the waves of the seas are a little calmer.  Thankfully this is one of those times.  However it doesn't mean we're resting on our laurels, it only means there's time to work on side projects! 

In our case, here's a sneak preview of a little something we're working on...

Work hard, rest well, dream big.

Enoch Ho